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《Science》高级编辑Jelena Stajic博士讲座

文章来源:成都生物所 发表时间:2015-05-06

  1、讲座题目:Publishing in Science: an editor’s perspective 




  Scientific publishing is a competitive endeavor, and the best tool we have to select among the many high-quality submissions is peer review. I will talk about the intricacies of peer review at Science magazine and will address the complementary roles of authors, referees and editors in that process. Crucial aspects of successful submissions to Science will be discussed.  

  5、Jelena Stajic博士简介  

   Jelena Stajic is a senior editor at Science magazine. She handles the peer review of submitted manuscripts in the areas of physics and computer science. Jelena is originally from Serbia, where she completed her undergraduate degree in physics at the University of Belgrade. Her Ph.D. in theoretical condensed matter physics was obtained at the University of Chicago, followed by two postdoctoral appointments at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the University of Connecticut. She started at Science in 2009. 

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  附件:AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science


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